Our Story

GradLeaders is a Software-as-a-Service company based in Columbus, OH powering career services, workforce development and early career talent acquisition since the 1990’s.  Since the start, our north stars have included offering easily accessible support and the ability for clients to private label, customize and configure our software to their specific brand, workflow, and reporting requirements.

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Client Testimonials

Ramon Rossman

Ramon Rossman

University Recruiter, Blue Shield of California

"GradLeaders data is unmatched. The job-seeking student demographic data shows me exactly where I need to be recruiting for health care talent – plus the ethnic demographics are very important for my university recruitment goals. I’m responsible for increasing the Latin and Black population at Blue Shield so I’m able to see where the gaps are, where I should be recruiting, and how I can improve those numbers.“

Todd Reeves

Todd Reeves

MBA Career Management Student Development Manage The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Haslam College of Business

"I cannot say enough good about the dynamic ways in which GradLeaders has assisted in helping our team expand our capabilities and reach in our program. Truly a career one-stop-shop, this platform has allowed us to centralize all things career-related including (but certainly not limited to) advising, employer and recruiter recruiting, programming, resume books, and placement data collection."

Marilyn Bury Rice

Marilyn Bury Rice

Director, Alumni Career Management, Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management, The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc

“Since pivoting to GradLeaders’ A.I. JobMatch in Fall 2022, our alumni job search engagement has soared. We are thrilled with these gains and look forward to continued progress as more of our alumni take advantage of our latest career solution. We encourage any career services offices seeking greater alumni or student engagement to reach out to GradLeaders about A.I. JobMatch.”

Contact Us

Reach out to talk to someone or schedule a demo


100 East Campus View Blvd.
Suite 240
Columbus, OH 43235, United States