Better, smarter and simpler job sourcing through A.I. JobMatch
GradLeaders’ A.I. job board is cutting-edge technology that makes it easy for your job seekers to find more right-fit opportunities, uncover similar postings of interest, and quickly set up job notifications. Simply create an account, upload a resume/CV or just tell us what you’re looking for and the A.I. will automatically discover right-fit career paths based on each job-seeker’s unique background and preferences.

relevant to your job seekers
plus more added daily

of relevant jobs to candidates’
profiles or resumes/CVs

plus smart suggestions to similar
jobs or internships of interest
“Since pivoting to GradLeaders’ A.I. JobMatch in Fall 2022, our alumni job search engagement has soared. We are thrilled with these gains and look forward to continued progress as more of our alumni take advantage of our latest career solution. We encourage any career services offices seeking greater alumni or student engagement to reach out to GradLeaders about A.I. JobMatch.”
Marilyn Bury Rice, Director, Alumni Career Management, Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management, The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc