In a continued effort to deliver the most innovative, intuitive, and efficient career service and recruitment products in the market today, GradLeaders has released updates to our platform.

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our July 2024 Release:


  • Provide more accurate delivery status for emails that were not delivered due to an unsubscribe


  • Ensure timely delivery of Advising Candidate Reminder Email
  • Update Calendar Integration for Advising Appointment sent to Advisor to use Program level text for Profile question “Major”
  • Ensure that Advising Block timeslot availability takes existing appointments into account
  • Ensure that responses default properly on a student’s view of a Single Advising Appointment
  • Correct issue that prevented correct navigation between rows when student views an Advising Appointment from an Advising Block
  • Ensure that Co-op View Approval Workflow emails are logged to the correct user type
  • Ensure that Appointment Blocks that are modified by Outlook Integration validate that end date is later than begin date

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our June 2024 Release:


  • Provide customers with an option to hide student Profile questions when a student enters an Outcome 
  • Support high-visibility focus highlight on the currently selected object via CSS


  • Correct issue that occurs during Co-op Semester setup if no Workflow Template exists
  • Ensure that an employer’s view of student Profiles is based on the currently selected Resume Book
  • Ensure that student Activity Calendar reflects the correct event type

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our May 2024 Release:


  • Provide super admins with the ability to unsubscribe/resubscribe users who have requested such
  • Enable admins to update Email template names without updating other fields on the template
  • Enable admins to define a default Approval Workflow template for a Co-op Semester. Additionally, new semester setting that enables the Approval Workflow to begin automatically upon Co-op creation
  • New page and admin customizable screen message that displays when new required questions are added to the student profile, enabling admins to provide an explanation when students are routed back into their profile after login 
  • Enable configuration of student profile fields onto the Peer Appointment form that will default values from the meeting organizer’s profile
  • Provide admins with a parenthetical row count of advising appointments within a selected time period
  • Provide admins with number of “Apply by Web” clicks for a Job.  Additionally, display “Application Method” column on admin Job Applicants tab
  • Provide admins with the number of student views for an OCR Visit / Interview record
  • Default student calendar view to “My Activities”.  Additionally, improve admin and student calendar filters, and display Location for events in the Day view
  • Enable admins to add recurring emails to email campaigns
  • Enable students to upload resumes while applying for a school-sourced job without leaving the Application workflow
  • When students are viewing a list of interviews sorted by Date, enable a secondary sort for Interview Time, providing a true chronological list
  • Expanded Looker integration to provide admins with data visualization while viewing Employer or Student profiles
  • Replace older “Guided Walkthroughs” concept.  Enables admin to place strategic and helpful popup messages on any page in the system
  • Enable schools to customize JobMatch filter terms based on student population
  • Enable admins to customize the screen message on student Hotlist page when JobMatch is enabled


  • Ensure that admin Workshop Attended Count excludes Waitlisted students
  • Ensure that a student’s Admin Change Last Update reflects all batch updates
  • Correct export timeouts that occur when a text field within the export file contains certain HTML characters
  • Add employer Print and Email permissions to List Applicant and View Application pages
  • Prevent admins from removing the Advisor flag from School Staff associated with one or more Advising Blocks
  • Prevent student Profile Last Updated Date from being updated when certain responses are defaulted in, but no responses are actually changed

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our April 2024 Release:


  • Enable Peer Advisors/Mentors to set Time Zones on appointments
  • Include Job/OCR Organization Name on admin Student Signups
  • Enable admins to mark Saved Email Templates as inactive
  • Enable admins to edit System Email Template names
  • On sourced Jobs, provide students with a direct link to the Organization Detail page
  • Enable students to log their time spent on projects, Co-op, or any other purpose
  • Enable admins to create Email Campaigns for Staff/Advisors


  • Update admin Mock Interviews to use default Start Time and End Time values in the Time picker
  • Ensure that all Events are included in admin exports, regardless of whether an Organization is attached
  • Enable admins to search for Students based on assigned Coach/Advisor
  • Ensure that student links to an Organization from a Job respect permissions
  • Update employer Job Posting page to support multiple responses in Email type fields
  • Suppress student JobMatch Jobs where an external link to Job Details is not provided
  • Update student Promote logic to better handle historical signups
  • Correct error related to setting that drives how long an expired Job should display in the student UI
  • Update JobMatch to ignore double quotes entered as part of a search criterion

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our March 2024 Release:


  • Provide a single page that links to Login pages for multiple types of users
  • Clarify admin UI, labels, and help text for student Announcements
  • Enable shareable links for embedded video in the Resource Library
  • Enable admins to import School Staff
  • Provide more granular control of the Advisee profile data available to a Peer Advisor
  • New embedded video solution for virtual meetings


  • Correct error in Career Fair Queue that occurred if Event had no time zone
  • Ensure that Advising Blocks Follow-up Email uses default From address if no address specified
  • Ensure that admin Company Event Recruiter export includes Last Login Date
  • Correct employer Switch Database function on student file to function as expected
  • Ensure that Salesforce imports don’t duplicate responses if a row has no response
  • Update Promote Future Signups options to include Peer Appointments
  • Remove requirement for Mailing Address in Unsubscribe Footers
  • Extend Mock Interview duration options to up to 12 hours

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our February 2024 Release:


  • Add functionality to include Unsubscribe links in all email message types for all users to avoid those messages being treated as spam.
  • Updates to the candidate JobMatch UI to make Search function more as a user would expect
  • Organize admin Co-op grid to better represent the flow of a Co-op, and to reduce scrolling
  • Suppress meeting body text/description coming into GLCC via 2-way personal appointment sync
  • Provide term replacement for plural Organization terms, e.g., “Company” “Companies”
  • Enable both a date picker and a time picker when admin enters a calendar-type Career Tracker Task
  • Enable admins to provide survey-driven  Review comments on existing Notes on the student record
  • Enable students to enter and save a partial Co-op, and return to edit, delete, complete or submit it later


  • New explicit permission for Career Fair Lobby <Test Video Call> button
  • Correct error that occurs in In Person Office Hours events when no time zone is selected
  • Enable admins to edit Looker report names
  • Correct issue that prevented same day Office Hours signups when time zone differs from school’s time zone
  • Update default “from” address on Advising, Workshop, Peer Appointment and certain Candidate and Staff emails to use school’s Job Board email address
  • Ensure that Visit Schedule signup sheet sorts by slot start time
  • Ensure that when a candidate applies to a Job that was converted from OCR, the application displays in the JobMatch Applications page

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our January 2024 Release:


  • Include new “Set” column in Admin OCR Select Candidate grid
  • New field on admin Candidate Detail page to indicate the candidate’s last login date
  • New term replacement for candidate Calendar Integration widget title
  • Enable an option for admins to update a candidate’s OCR status without sending an automatic email
  • Enable admins to export a ZIP file of all candidate profile photos
  • Enable new admin function to copy Advising Blocks
  • New email variable that indicates to an Advisor if a candidate uploaded a resume at Advising Appointment signup
  • Provide all options related to Virtual Appointments in admin Add Single Appointment function
  • Better organization of candidate’s view or Company Recruiting Activity
  • Enable optional follow-up emails to candidates following Workshops and Events
  • Update Start Video Call logic to display messaging if external video URL is not provided
  • New automatic email to candidates when Co-op Status is updated to Active
  • Suppress candidate JobMatch Job Description if field is empty
  • Enable Super Admins to preview a Dashboard by permission group


  • Improve Promote logic to continue processing batch if one Profile fails
  • Correct Co-op grid error that results from Survey Quick View
  • Increase visibility of Advisor Name and Appointment Title in candidate Advising Detail
  • Correct candidate Office Hours Availability toggle mismatch

New GradLeaders Career Center Features and Fixes from our December 2023 Release:


  • Enable customizable message that displays when an external Co-op survey is complete
  • Enable additional survey driven columns on admin Co-op grid
  • Enable Quick View popup of feedback surveys per Co-op on admin Co-op grid
  • New badge for School Staff users that participate in Chat Channels/Direct Messages
  • New automatic email template for Job, OCR Request, Event, Room Reservation, and Workshop refunds
  • Enable admins to edit TOS Cohort Survey Close Date


  • Correct issue that prevented certain Jobs from display in candidate Hotlist
  • Suppress Calendar Integration on staff and candidate Detail pages when Calendar Integration is not enabled
  • Ensure that candidate nightly Job email deeplinks function as expected
  • Ensure that email templates customized at the PID level override templates customized at the school level
  • Ensure accuracy of Job count on candidate Job Applications page
  • Correct page flow when admin edits screen message in candidate UI
  • Ensure that all fields are editable when admin edits a dashboard Custom Message widget