10 Books Every College Graduate Should Read

The perfect time to read and improve yourself is Summer Break! By reflecting on your past year’s experiences, emotions, goals, as well as future plans, you can better prepare for a life of success. The following ten books are considered professional development and self-help books that many great leaders and successful individuals have read to transform their life. Take some time to understand your own tendencies and hear the advice of these highly successful people to learn, grow and live your best life.

Interview with Shakira Rhoads, Assistant Director of Career Services at Missouri Southern State University

GradLeaders recently interviewed Shakira Rhoads, Assistant Director of Career Services at Missouri Southern State University. We wanted to check in with one of our partner schools to better understand changes they’re making to increase student engagement in the virtual world we live in today. Here’s what Shakira shared with our intern, Emily Mowry…

How to Properly Utilize Your Career Center During College

College students who visit their career center are more likely to receive a full-time job right after graduation than students who don’t, according to a recent Gallup study. These students are also more likely to say that their school prepared them well for life after college. The problem is that many students don’t properly utilize their career centers, and some don’t visit them at all. It’s important for students to understand the value career centers can provide for life after college.